Acceptance of Enrolment
We will acknowledge your application within 24 hours (Monday to Friday). The School will only issue the confirmation of acceptance upon receipt of the course fees.
In case of offline classes:
· only students aged 16 or older are allowed to join;
· all students of less than 18 years of age are required to have their parent or legal representative accompanying them.

Full course fees must be received at least four weeks before the start of the course to allow time for visa processing for offline courses and at least two weeks before the start of the course for online courses. If the payment is received after the aforementioned deadlines, the school cannot guarantee the visa will be issued on time and the start date may be deferred. Fees can be paid by cash or credi t/ debit card at the IClass office or by bank transfer. Bank charges of sending and receiving banks must be paid by the sender.

Start Date
It may be possible to defer the start date of your course if necessary; however, if the visa has already been issued, the dates of the visa cannot be changed.

A tourist visa issued upon confirmation of classes and booking a place in a hotel can only be a single-entry visa, and its validity period is limited to the dates of booking. At the same time, the migration registration of a foreign citizen will be carried out by the hotel that issued the above-mentioned confirmation. If a foreign citizen cancels a reservation and, as a result, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia does not have information from the hotel about your migration registration, your tourist visa may be canceled, and you may be brought to administrative responsibility for violating the rules of stay of foreign citizens on the territory of the Russian Federation, This also does not exclude the adoption of a decision not to allow entry into the Russian Federation in accordance with article 27 of the Federal law-114 of 15.08.1996 "On the procedure for leaving the Russian Federation and entering the Russian Federation".
The E-Visa is single-entry only. The validity period of the single-entry e-visa is 60 days from the date of issue. The permitted period of stay in the Russian Federation on a single-entry e-visa within its validity period is no more than 16 days calculated from the date of entry.
The visa is automatically cancelled upon exit of the Russian Federation, and it is the student’s responsibility not to exceed the total number of days as per their visa. The student shall be liable for any fines arising due to overstaying and/or failure to leave.

Attendance and Punctuality
Students are legally required to attend their classes and maintain a minimum attendance of 80% per month. Students whose attendance falls below 80% will be given a verbal warning, followed by a written warning. Students whose attendance continues to be under the required percentage may be reported to immigration. If a student does not attend classes for a period longer than two weeks, and/or has failed to provide a suitable explanation for their continued absence, they may be reported as absconded. Absconded students will have their immigration file blacklisted, and may incur fines from the immigration office or related authorities.

Lateness for Class
Students who arrive late for class considerably disrupt the learning process of other students. The consequences of lateness of a student are:
If a student arrives more than fifteen minutes after the beginning of the class, they will be recorded as late for the lesson, and it will be recorded as an ‘L’ on their attendance sheet. Once the student accumulates three (3) L’s, they are recorded as one unexcused absence.

All courses include an entry assessment prior to arrival, as well as regular biweekly progress tests. Students’ progress will be recorded regularly and an academic assessment will be provided together with the certificate at the end of their studies.

Tuition Fees Cancellation Policy
If a student is denied a visa or requests cancellation due to other circumstances after the payment had been received, all tuition fees excluding the non-refundable enrollment fee will be refunded according to the following policy:
1. If the cancellation request is not less than 14 days prior to the course start date, 100% of the paid tuition fee will be refunded (excluding the non-refundable enrollment fee).
2. If the cancellation request is received less than 14 days but not less than 7 days prior to the course start date, 50% of the paid tuition fee will be refunded (excluding the non-refundable enrollment fee).
3. If the cancellation request is received less than 7 days but not less than 3 days prior to the course start date, 20% of the paid tuition fee will be refunded (excluding the non-refundable enrollment fee).
4. No tuition fee refund will be provided in case of the cancellation requests received less than 3 days prior to the course start date.
All refunds are processed within 60 calendar days.

Course Deferral
Students who are unable to complete their course due to extenuating circumstances will be offered the option of deferring the remainder of their course for a period of up to 6 months. In this case, the remaining weeks of study will be placed on hold at no extra cost. Any new visa-related fees will be payable by the student.

Course Materials
Tuition fees include electronic and/ or printed materials required for successful completion of the course. Having the aforementioned materials, a notebook and a pen at every class is compulsory for all students.

If a student’s conduct is unsatisfactory, they will be subject to the school’s disciplinary procedures. These procedures may lead ultimately to expulsion.
IClass Education Center Code of Conduct is available at reception, and it is the student’s responsibility to familiarize themselves with the school’s rules.

IClass Education Center acts as an intermediary in the arranging and providing accommodation. Students must agree to the terms and conditions of the accommodation provider selected. All accommodation refunds are processed according to the cancellation policy of the selected accommodation provider.

Additional Activities and Excursions
IClass Education Center acts as an intermediary in the arranging and providing additional activities, trips and excursions. Students must agree to the terms and conditions of museums, parks, cathedrals and other venues which require entrance tickets. The tickets to such venues must be purchased in advance in order to book the desired date. All refunds from such venues are processed according to the cancellation policy of the selected venue.
Any city tours not requiring an entrance ticket must be booked and paid for at least 4 weeks in advance. In case a student cancels their participation in such a city tour, IClass Education Center has the right to withhold the payment.

IClass Education Center shall not be liable under any circumstance for its failure to provide any services if that failure is caused directly or indirectly by circumstances beyond the school’s control.
Any damage caused by a student to the school property, whether intentional or not, will be charged to the student responsible.

In any dispute arising out of this contract, the parties expressly agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of Russian Federation having jurisdiction in the matter in question.

Publicity materials
Permission is given by the student, their parents or guardian with acceptance of these terms and conditions for the use of the student’s comments, opinions, images or video in IClass Education Center's promotional materials, whether produced by IClass Education Center or by nominated third parties.


1. Smoking is strictly prohibited on the school premises. The student caught in the act will incur a fine of RUB 5000.
2. The students are expected to maintain decent and acceptable behavior on the school premises.
3. Gross misconduct such as the following can result in the expulsion of the student:
  • Alcohol and/ or drugs consumption or being under the influence of alcohol and/ or drugs on the school premises and accommodation facilities.
  • Display of unacceptable behavior or any kind of harassment to any fellow students and staff members.
  • Theft, physical violence and commitment of immoral acts.